Cleaning Tips & FAQ
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Armor All Original Protectant (Sponge & Spray)
Offers protection to block harmful UV rays and keeps vinyl from aging, fading and cracking. Protects and shines rubber and plastic as well.
Armor All Multi-Purpose Cleaner
Great for removing dirt, road grime, tar, grease and brake dust.
Armor All Tire Cleaner
Cleans tires quickly with no wiping and leaves tires with incredible shine. Protects against the elements that fade and crack sidewalls of tires.
Aqua Towels
This absorbent, reusable towel is great for hand drying vehicle.
Car Freshener
Attractive, long lasting fresheners keep the inside of your vehicle smelling great. Masks odors!
Moist Wipe Glass Cleaner
These self-drying towelette remove road and smoke film to improve visibility. Leaves your windows streak-free and lint-free